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@50th anniversary of T. thermophilus discovery in 2018
The outstanding poster award at the workshop was prized for the following two participants:
Oshima Prize (Best Poster Award)
Mr. Naoki Uemura at The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
(Supervisor: Dr. Daisuke Nakane)
Daifunto Prize
Mr. Taisei Uehara at The University of Tokyo, Japan
(Supervisor: Prof. Makoto Nishiyama)
Dr. Tairo Oshima@Hot-spring, Izu
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The registration may be closed if the number of participants reaches the maximum (around 60 people).
Please use the MS Word Template for preparing the abstract of your presentation.
Office: Naoki Nemoto at Chiba Institute of Technology
Mail: office1 "at" thermusq-work.shop
ThermusQ Research Group(Chairperson:Yoshitaka Bessho)